El Jannah, the renowned Lebanese-inspired chicken shop, has seen remarkable growth since its first store opened in Granville in 1998. Known for its delectable charcoal chicken, famous garlic sauce, and a range of other delicious dishes, El Jannah has expanded Australia-wide. As part of their rapid growth and brand evolution, they wanted their restaurants to echo the same authenticity in ambiance as their culinary offerings.
El Jannah had previously trialled a number of other companies throughout the years before selecting Evergreen Walls for their large-scale rollout of artificial greenery. The other companies were limited to supply only, without the capability to project manage, install, or provide design and technical support.
Our mission of "turning a how into a wow" came into play to create an atmosphere that beautifully complements their brand’s green theme and interior design.
Urban Deluxe, Calathea Bush Burgundy, Calathea Bush Green, Boston Fern Ruffle, Monstera Bush, Traveller Palm, Leather Fern, Syngonium Hanging Bush Light, Pothos Variegated Bush, Angel Vine, Gardiner Leaf Vine, Ivy Garland Vine, Ivy Garland Variegated Vine, Fishbone Fern Bush